Simplified reporting for low-volume producers

If you are a small company, you may be a low-volume producer!

Companies and organizations that generate fewer than 15 metric tonnes of containers, packaging and printed matter or that have between $1 and $2 million in annual revenue are eligible to pay an easily applicable flat rate.

  Schedule of Contributions 2021 Schedule of Contributions 2020 Schedule of Contributions 2019 Schedule of Contributions 2018
Reference year for quantities generated 2020 2019 2018 2017
Quantity generated > 1t and ≤ à 2,5 t $830 $640 $450  $420 
Quantity generated > 2,5 t and ≤ à 5 t $1,660 $1,310 $945  $890 
Quantity generated > 5 t and ≤ à 10 t $3,320 $2,610 $1,885  $1,775 
Quantity generated > 10 t and ≤ à 15 t $4,985 $4,170 $3,150 $2,965 
Sales > 1M $ and ≤ à 2M $ $4,985 $4,170 2965 $ 2965 $

Full or simplified report? The choice is yours.

As a low-volume producer, you may choose to follow the simplified reporting process and pay a flat fee. If your company or organization meets all the requirements, the option will be available in the reporting system.

You may instead choose to fill in a complete report to determine the amount of your contribution based on the quantities and types of materials for the containers, packaging and printed matter your company or organization put on the market in Québec in the reporting year.

The flat rates are determined based on average weights, and some flat rates may benefit your company more than the contribution calculated based on materials rates (complete report). If the flat rate is the most advantageous option for you, the system will cap the amount of the contribution at the flat rate determined for the quantities of materials you generated.

From registration to reporting

Whether you generate a little or a lot, the reporting process is the same.

  • Know your legal responsibilities with regard to the compensation plan.
  • Gather your data on the containers, packaging and printed matter you placed on the market in Québec. 
  • Register with ÉEQ.
  • Finally, proceed to enter your data into the online reporting or simplified reporting option (flat rate) if you qualify.

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