What's new in the 2024 Schedule of Contributions

On June 19, 2024, the 2024 Schedule of Contributions (SoC) was published in the Gazette Officielle du Québec, officially launching the 60-day reporting period for producers, which ends on August 19, the deadline for submitting their report in the portal of Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ). The 2024 report includes a number of changes that could affect the producers reporting process. These changes are summarized below.

Ecomodulation of the fee structure

Firstly, 2 materials have been disaggregated: alternative fibers and aluminum aerosol cans. The aim of this change is to gain a better understanding of their behavior in the curbside recycling system, to subsequently establish rates that reflect their real impact on the system. However, their rates for the 2024 report remain the same as of those they were previously grouped with. These materials will therefore have to be reported separately as of the 2024 declaration.

To continue the evolution of eco-modulation measures, the 2024 report now includes a penalty (malus) representing 20% of the contribution rate applicable to the following two materials:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • Polylactic Acid (PLA) and other degradable plastics.

This penalty, announced since the consultation on the 2022 Schedule of Contributions (SoC), takes effect in 2024 and is set to evolve over the coming years.

This penalty is currently applicable to any producer making a detailed report which includes these materials. To learn more, we invite you to consult our guide for malus .

To continue encouraging ecodesign initiatives, the incentive bonus has been renewed for a fourth consecutive year. We invite you to consult our bonus guide to learn more.

Finally, the credit for post-consumer recycled content (CPCR) also remains. The deadline for submitting the form is from now on the reporting deadline, and the deadline for providing supporting documents is the date of payment of the first contribution instalment.

The general conditions as well as the policies related to the membership contract have been updated, with the following main changes:

  • All definitions are now found in the general conditions, and some have been clarified;
  • Terminology has been adjusted to bring it into line with current regulations, including “Name, trademark or distinguishing guise”, which has become “Name or trademark”, as well as “group” and “franchise”, which have been replaced by “banner”. These changes are clarifications or linguistic in nature, and therefore have limited operational impact;
  • Adjustment of producer membership start and end dates.

Other changes have been applied to both 2024 Schedule rules and ÉEQ policies, the most important of which are as follows:

  • The threshold for exemption from payment on the basis of Quebec income has been raised from $1 million to $1.3 million;
  • However, the definition of income has been modified to cover all income in Quebec, rather than only that derived from products and services marketed in the province;
  • The flat fee based on revenue has been withdrawn;
  • The deadline for requesting a report modification has been extended from 1 to 2 years following the reporting deadline;

The deadline for transmitting supporting documents in the event of a revision of a report by ÉEQ has been reduced from 60 to 30 days.

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