BAPE “Current Status and Management of Final Waste” – ÉEQ, partnering with the government to divert waste from landfills

Montréal, May 31, 2021 – On May 31st, Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) presented actions and propositions regarding the management of final waste and the potential for the modernization of curbside recycling to improve efforts to divert waste from landfills before the commission of inquiry of the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE). The mandate the BAPE has been tasked with by the minister of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change, Mr. Benoit Charette, consists in carrying out an in-depth investigation on the disposal of final waste across the entire territory of Quebec.

Being at the heart of preparatory work on the modernization of curbside recycling in Quebec with its association partners, ÉEQ points out, in its brief, that the modernization based on an extended producer responsibility (EPR) approach will make systemic and efficient management possible for all Quebec regions.

Companies will be responsible for curbside recycling

With this new model, companies will no longer only be responsible for financing the system, they will have control over it and manage their containers, packaging, printed matter and newspapers (C, P, PM & N) from design to recycling. Oversight by producers will be carried out through agreements based on standards and quality controls, which will include the traceability of recyclable materials throughout the value chain. In order to reach government targets, producers will have to favour ecodesign and access local markets with a view to furthering the circular economy. These measures are expected to drive up recovery and recycling rates for C, P, PM & N designated under EPR, which will in turn help drive down landfilling of these materials.

While this modernization using an EPR approach will provide systemic solutions to the challenges of curbside recycling by promoting standardization, quality controls, accountability and traceability, the fact remains that government authorities also have a role to play in promoting this modernization towards a circular economy. Here are some of the ideas for solutions suggested:

  • Maintain financial support for recycling infrastructures and innovation
  • Simplify and align the regulatory framework regarding residual materials management
  • Implement tax and support measures for companies that favour eco-designed C, P, PM & N and the use of eco-materials
  • Ensure that their own supply is exemplary


Read the brief >>>

To find out more about the modernization of curbside recycling: 


About Éco Entreprises Québec

Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is a private non-profit organization that represents companies who market containers, packaging and printed matter in Québec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.

As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy.

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Marie-Claude Tremblay
Senior Advisor, Public Affairs
Éco Entreprises Québec
514-250-6442 ;