Maryse Vermette

President and Chief Executive Officer

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Hugo Lapointe

Vice-President, Financial Management and Organizational Performance 

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Philippe Cantin

Vice President, Producer Responsibility

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Mathieu Guillemette

Vice President, Curbside Recycling

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Normand Gadoury

Vice President, Innovation and Infrastructure Projects

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Marie-Josée Karam

Vice President, Material End Markets and Recovery

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Lana Fiset

Corporate Secretary and Vice-President, Legal and Public Affairs

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Sylvain Bellefeuille

Senior Director, Information Technology and Business Intelligence

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Isabelle Laflèche

Senior Director, Producer Service and Compliance

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Geneviève Dionne

Senior Director, Ecodesign, Ecomodulation and Fee Setting

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Sébastien Giroux

Director, Ecomodulation and Fee Setting

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Joëlle R. Chiasson

Director, Legal Affairs 

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Etienne Baillargeon

Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development

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Richard Schofield

Director, Infrastructure Projects

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Isabelle Massé

Director, Marketing

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Katlyn Dubé

Director, Municipal Partnerships

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