Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Date: Thursday April 20, 2023
Time: 12:00 to 13:15
Marché Bonsecours or online

Now that ÉEQ is officially the PRO (Designated Management Organization) for curbside recycling, the next steps will be critical to consolidate the role and responsibilities of the organization and to formalize the new business relationship with our members.   

As part of the Annual General Meeting, several key decisions will need to be made, including the by-laws and the election of directors. We count on your presence in this pivotal period for producers. 

For your information, under EPR, producers must become members of the PRO (ÉEQ) in accordance with the Regulation respecting a system for the selective collection of certain residual materials. It should be noted that members admitted under the compensation plan will be deemed to be producers and will become members of ÉEQ after the ratification of the new by-laws of ÉEQ at the AGM.  To be a member in good standing, each company will be required to sign a membership agreement including the terms and conditions of membership at the time of filing the 2023 Fee Schedule or by completing a membership form which will be published at the end of April on our reporting portal, on our website or upon request. 

Register now.