Conference on Operational and Economic Modelling: An instrument for recyclable material management, Americana 2015

Date: Friday March 17, 2017
Time: 15:30:00 to 17:00:00
Palais des congrès de Montréal 1001, place Jean-Paul-Riopelle

Information and registration:

Contact Réseau Environnement at (514) 270-7110 for more information

Register online on the Salon website

Jean-Luc Plante, Vice-President, Optimization, Éco Entreprises Québec
Ghyslain Cadieux, CPA CMA, Senior Director, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Modérateur : Frederik Richard, Ni Corporation

Presentation held in cooperation with RECYC-QUÉBEC

A tailored decision-making tool
In order to adopt an economic approach to curbside recycling and provide data for setting fees charged to companies that finance the system, ÉEQ developed, in cooperation with RECYC-QUÉBEC, RCGT and key curbside recycling players, an activity-based costing (ABC) model unique in North America, the results of which are now providing inspiration to our European counterparts. The model is rigorous, flexible and can evolve over time. The ABC produces an overall portrait of curbside recycling in Quebec by modelling its operations and costs, specifically collecting, transporting, sorting and conditioning materials, as well as the revenues generated from their subsequent resale.

The approach enables managers to understand the relationships between the types of services required (volume and level of service), processes (activities) to deliver those services and, finally, the resources (human and material) to be invested. In addition, the model is now being used as a reference by the Government of Quebec to establish cost allocation to material categories covered by Quebec’s compensation plan for municipal curbside recycling programs (newspapers, printed matter, containers and packaging), thus confirming the model’s credibility.

The purpose of the conference is to demonstrate the potential benefits of an economic and operational modelling approach to curbside recycling locally and on a province-wide scale. At the end of the conference, participants will have gained insight in this innovative and rigorous decision-making tool. The methodology helps in the identification of areas where potential for improvement exists, especially with regard to benchmarking system activity costs, prioritizing the areas to be optimized, improving the quality of materials produced and improving accountability.