Grands Prix of the ADGMQ: ÉEQ winner of the 2021 Prix Partenaire

Montréal, June 11, 2021 – During the awards ceremony for the Grand Prix at the 2021 Virtual Congress of the Association des directeurs généraux des municipalités du Québec (ADGMQ), Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) had the honour of being named the recipient of the Prix Partenaire. This prestigious award is given every two years to an organization that contributes to strengthening the ADGMQ activities through its involvement.

Just as Mathieu Guillemette, Senior Director, Modernization of Curbside Recycling and Schedule of Contributions, wanted to underline when receiving the award on behalf of ÉEQ, the organization has already been actively working with the ADGMQ and its members to achieve goals tied to their respective mission for six years. ÉEQ contributes, for instance, by facilitating workshops on the best practices and issues surrounding curbside recycling, drafting articles for its magazine as well as participating in conferences and regional meetings.

The general directors of municipalities in Quebec are key players for the evolution of the recycling industry and, with the current modernization of curbside recycling in Quebec, this collaboration is even more essential. In fact, the system will go through a major change in which companies will now be responsible of overseeing the system and managing the containers, packaging, printed matter and newspaper (C, P, PM &N) they place on the market, from their design up until their recycling. This approach, based on extended producer responsibility (EPR), will promote the development of the circular economy, and improve Quebec’s environmental performance. Renewed collaboration with municipalities is vital to the optimization of practices and services and, subsequently, the improvement of waste recovery and recycling. Ultimately, every Quebec citizen will benefit from this!

About Éco Entreprises Québec
Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is a private non-profit organization that represents companies marketing containers, packaging, and printed matter in Quebec in their responsibility of financing the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.

As an expert, ÉEQ optimizes the curbside recycling value chain and implements innovative approaches with a view to sustainable development and circular economy.

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Information :
Marie-Claude Tremblay
Senior advisor, Public Affairs
Éco Entreprises Québec
514 250-6442