From commitment to action
The back-to-school period often equates to a more frenetic pace and lots of changes. At ÉEQ, we welcome the fall and its challenges with a solution mindset. More than ever, we are working with our partners in the curbside recycling value chain to optimize operations and develop best practices. Our presence in the field will continue with new Best Practices Initiative workshops, sorting centre tours and participation in various trade shows and conferences.
Following our announcement of an investment to modernize sorting centres and stimulate the development of market outlets for glass collected via curbside recycling, we have increased efforts to establish a practical stimulus plan that will be implemented over the coming months. To promote market outlets that could be facilitated thanks to our commitment, we also disseminated a video in August on glass powder produced from wine bottles Quebecers place in their recycling bins.
In addition, as we await a regulatory amendment regarding orphan materials, we will be presenting a draft of the 2015-2016 Schedule of Contributions to contributing companies this fall. Communications activities are planned to provide you with information on major issues.
Maryse Vermette, President and CEO