This year promises to be very busy and the ÉEQ team is investing every effort to align the various projects and deliverables of the first quarter of 2017. In addition, businesses have been called upon to make a first compensation payment for the 2015 Schedule of Contributions, setting the tone for the year to come. Indeed, considering the circumstances surrounding the release of the 2015–2016 Schedule of Contributions, organizations will have to make several payments in 2017 to compensate for the costs of municipal curbside recycling.
It should therefore be a challenging year with regard to the payments that must be made and we invite businesses to exercise due diligence. Payment delays impact the entire system and ÉEQ must then make its own payments to RECYC-QUÉBEC within tight deadlines. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our company services for guidance on the application of your legal obligations.
This year also marks the start of a critical year for the Innovative Glass Works plan. While the years leading up to 2017 were focused on planning, we are now beginning to implement and test the technology in the five sorting centres enrolled in our experimental pilot projects. The technology will then be introduced in the new Montréal sorting centre, since ÉEQ recently pledged to invest in leading-edge glass sorting and cleaning equipment for the city of Montréal’s new recyclable materials sorting facility, which is slated to begin operations in June 2019.
Our involvement in the creation of what will be Québec’s largest sorting centre speaks to our commitment to optimizing curbside recycling in Québec and, by the same token, the recyclable materials value chain. It also constitutes a new step toward our objective to find a solution for 100% of the glass collected through curbside recycling.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to ÉEQ’s annual general meeting, which will be held in Montréal on April 20. The meeting is an important event for member organizations to take stock of the extent of the work carried out in 2016 and exchange with members of the board of directors and the ÉEQ team.
Maryse Vermette, President and Chief Executive Officer